BESIX Watpac delivered a three-storey 50-bed facility providing a contemporary environment for best practice mental health care and assessment, recovery and rehabilitation services. An enclosed overhead bridge was constructed to link the new facility with the hospital for the safe movement of patients, staff and equipment. Extensive communication with the project’s neighbours ensured works had minimal impact within the local community.

local content
Indigenous participation
jobs created
Engaging the community
Economic boost
The Mental Health Unit at Ipswich Hospital will generate significant stimulus for the Ipswich economy with around 140 jobs to be created and 100% of the project to be delivered by South East Queensland subcontractors. In 2022, BESIX Watpac supported the Ipswich Hospital Park 2 Park fun run through donations and entering a team into the event.
Name the crane
The project provided an excellent community engagement initiative to partner with West Moreton Hospital and Health Service to hold a colouring and naming of the crane competition. School students from the Ipswich region entered the competition to name the crane that stands high above the city skyline. The competition winner dubbed the crane "Sir Fix A Lot' and had the opportunity to tour the site with the project team.
*Photographs: Hassell Studios

Health & Science
Frankston Private Hospital Expansion

Health & Science