Governance beyond compliance
Building our capability, resilience and supporting local procurement
#Striving for sustainability
BESIX Watpac is committed to maintaining a corporate governance framework that creates an efficient and disciplined operating environment. This includes that development of specific corporate governance policies and practices and strengthening our compliance culture through ongoing training and development.
#Our blueprint for stronger governance
Industry standard policies and procedures supported by a culture of excellence and our values
Procurement and tendering processes are transparent, fair and locally driven
Trade packages are broken down, opening possibilities for small business and suppliers
Subcontractors are connected with training, development and the BESIX Watpac excellence framework
Partnerships are formed with industry groups to drive collaboration, continuous professional development, inclusion and diversity
We are measuring our impact with Materiality Assessment Reports and aligning with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
#Corporate Governance Contact

Angela Gott
Company Secretary
Level 3, 12 Commercial Road
Newstead, Qld 4006
Tel: 07 3251 6300