We were engaged to reconstruct the boning and carcass chilling facility at the Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory that had been destroyed following a fire. We were able to rapidly spearhead the reconstruction process, collaborating with local trades such as electricians and metal workers, as well as a European processing equipment supplier to procure specialised equipment. This was a turnkey project that included the design, installation and commissioning of processing equipment. Our rapid response enabled the factory to return to full production less than 12 months after the fire.
Kingaroy, Queensland
Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory
$90 million
2016 - 2017
7,000 m²
Area of new facilities across 4 new buildings
Peak site workforce
Month timeline
Hours from Brisbane
Trusted experience delivers results
Rapid response
Having recently been in negotiation with Swickers Pork for another project, we were able to respond immediately to our client’s request to be involved in the fire recovery project. The day after the fire, our specialist project team was assigned and we negotiated with insurers and the client on delivery guarantees, final contractual arrangements and how reconstruction would work.
Delivering under pressure
Understanding the extremely high cost of interruption to the business, we identified ways to ensure rapid design and construction while achieving a high-quality outcome. This included using the same footprint of the previous building and salvaging whatever foundations we could. Our construction methodology allowed us to demolish the affected building while simultaneously developing design and engineering documents. We also shaved time off the construction program by activating our specialist food industry design and construction team who was pivotal in getting the facility back into full production as soon as possible. Our collaborative approach with the client and overseas equipment supplier allowed us to deliver a highly specialised food processing site on a tight schedule that met rigorous food standards.
Giving back to the community
The engagement of local trades gave the entire project a tight-knit, collaborative spirit, and the strong relationship between BESIX Watpac, our suppliers, and the client enabled the fast response and delivery. Getting the facility back online as quickly as possible also had flow on effects to the broader economy. It has the largest throughput of any pork abattoir in Australia, making it an important piece of the pork industry as well as being a major employer for the local region.
“We all knew right from the word go that there was no room for delays on this project. We were there from day one, doing everything we could to get Swickers operational again as soon as possible. It was great to get local trades involved, as it gave the whole project a community feel that gave everyone a boost.”
Greg Sneyd, Head of Sector – Specialty Services, BESIX Watpac

Food Processing / Manufacturing
Teys Storm Recovery Project

Food Processing / Manufacturing