This cutting-edge research and development facility is a joint initiative between James Cook University and the CSIRO, in cooperation with the Australian Tropical Forest Institute in Cairns. Used to research the sustainable use of natural resources in the tropics, this four-storey building was delivered in several precincts. The facility was designed with sustainability in mind, utilising programmed lighting depending on the level of daylight entering the building and water collection methods to make use of wastewater, storm water runoff and air conditioning condensate for irrigation. This was a very architecturally demanding project with multiple angles, curves and facets requiring detailed coordination between structural, services and finishing trades. The Precinct has positioned Australia as the pre-eminent provider of tropical science knowledge to industries and communities in the world’s tropics, particularly those in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2011, the project was named 'Project of the Year' at the Master Builders Queensland (North Queensland) Awards.
Project of the Year
Master Builders Queensland (North Queensland)

Health & Science
Ingham Hospital

Health & Science