NIOA HQ Expansion

Commercial & Retail

Landmark Timber Building

NIOA HQ Expansion


Headquartered at Brisbane Airport, NIOA is a leading Australian Defence and Commercial importer/wholesaler and emerging sovereign manufacturer. The expansion to their existing headquarters is an innovative five storey sustainably sourced timber building.

Utilising Glue Laminated Timber beams and Cross Laminated Timber panels, the building has the distinction of being the first Australian multi-storey commercial development to be built from timber products grown and manufactured entirely in Australia.

The timber materials are not only an environmentally sustainable building solution. The ambience generated by the timber textures has created an appealing space for NIOA employees and visitors.


Brisbane Airport


$10 million


2020 - 2021


Construct Only

Photo credit: Scott Burrows Photography

Tornado Tower (QIPCO)

Commercial & Retail

Tornado Tower (QIPCO)

Burj Khalifa

Residential / Hotels

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